Saturday, July 1, 2017

DAY 163: Trump throws tantrum over refusal by states to turn over voter rolls

After almost half of the states, including Republican states, refused to hand over their voter rolls to vote suppressor Kris Kobach, appointed by Trump to "investigate" Trump's bullshit allegations of voter fraud in 2016, this morning Donald Trump threw a tantrum on Twitter:

So let me get this straight:

1. Trump lies about him losing the popular vote because of inexistent voter fraud.

2. Then Trump sets a special comission headed by voter suppressor Kris Kobach to "investigate" Trump's bullshit claim.

3. Nearly half of the states refuse to validate Trump's lie AND denounce his bullshit scheme to suppress votes.

4. So now Trump claims the states are "hiding" something because the states refuse to validate his lie about voter fraud.

Again; This isn't just Democrat states telling Trump to go fuck himself. It's Democrat AND Republican states, including Kentucky and Mississippi.

The problem here is the Republican states that comply with Trump's voter suppression scheme. In those states millions of eligible voters could be thrown off the voter rolls in 2018, thus allowing the Republicans to avoid losing seats in Congress.

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