Thursday, July 27, 2017

DAY 187: Scaramucci proves to be an even bigger idiot than Spicer. Twice. In a day.

Oh this all too entertaining. Not even a week into his new post as White House communications director, Anthony Scaramucci just proved to be a bigger idiot than Sean Spicer was. Twice. In the same day.

First, "Mooch" tweeted an apparent threat against White House Chief of Staff Rience Priebus because Mooch though Priebus leaked one of his financial forms to the press. The form proved Scaramucci was going to make a lot of money off the company he sold in order to be a White House official. Mooch basically asked Priebus to prove it wasn't him the one who leaked the form.

Turned out the form was obtained by Politico through legal channels, as the form was public to begin with.

Next, The New Yorker published an article describing a phone call the New Yorker reporter had with Scaramucci. The call revolved around an actual leak. Mooch wanted to know who leaked it, and the reporter refused to reveal the name.

But what makes that conversation a true fuck up are the expletive-rich comments Mooch made about people in the White House, including Steve Bannon. Here's an example:

Scaramucci also told me that, unlike other senior officials, he had no interest in media attention. “I’m not Steve Bannon, I’m not trying to suck my own cock,” he said, speaking of Trump’s chief strategist. “I’m not trying to build my own brand off the fucking strength of the President. I’m here to serve the country.” (Bannon declined to comment.)

Scaramucci said he had to get going. “Yeah, let me go, though, because I’ve gotta start tweeting some shit to make this guy crazy.”

Minutes later, he tweeted, “In light of the leak of my financial info which is a felony. I will be contacting @FBI and the @TheJusticeDept #swamp @Reince45.” With the addition of Priebus’s Twitter handle, he was making public what he had just told me: that he believed Priebus was leaking information about him. The tweet quickly went viral.

Yup. Mooch is talking about the tweet against Priebus. The same tweet that was proven to be pure paranoia and stupidity, as the form was obtained through legal channels.

Oh, and let's make this a TRIPLE fuck-up with this bonus track:

Unbelievable. Scaramucci actually made Sean Spicer look sane, decent and smart. Wow.

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