Monday, January 30, 2017

DAY 11: Trump lies about violating the rights of people in his Muslim ban and we debunk him

Donald Trump posted a series of tweets trying justify the violation of rights of people in his Muslim ban. He also lied by omitting the fact that many people were sent back to their countries without justification. He said:

That is a lie. People weren't just "detained." Many, including people with green cards who were already living in the United States (including a doctor who takes care of patients in New York), were sent back to the countries where they came from even though there is a court order stopping the forced departures.

Then he said:

That tweet was obviously aimed at his own supporters, which suggests even his supporterts don't agree with his Muslim ban. Now, the thing is not a single terrorist has entered the United States EVER from the countries in Trump's Muslim ban. EVER. And the countries from where terrorists HAVE entered, such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are NOT in Trump's ban list.

So Trump's tweet is a big fat LIE.

Moving on. Trump then tweeted this:

But Glenn Greenwald responded to Trump's tweet debunking his lie:

That's true. Trump announced his "extreme vetting" months ago. That means since November 9, 2016, the "bad dudes" had two months to get in. But guess what? Not a SINGLE one got in. Most of the terrorism in the United States has been done by Americans, usually White. But Republicans don't call it terrorism is it's done by Americans. They call it "a few bad apples." And when people ask for gun control to stop it, Republicans refuse.

So there you have it. Trump is trying pretend there are no problems because of his Muslim ban. But the problems include illegal detentions; illegal deportations; and a systematic violation of human rights by people who pose no threat at all to the United States.

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