Sunday, January 29, 2017

YEAH RIGHT: Rience Priebus says drug cartels and illiegal immigrants would pay for border wall

Donald Trump's Chief of Staff, Rience Priebus, said there's a "buffet of options" on how to pay for Donald Trump's border wall, including making drug cartels pay for it or charging a fine to undocumented immigrants.

During an interview with CBS, Priebus said:

"It can either be through a tax on goods coming across the border, it could be through tax reform and a formula on import and export taxes and credits, it could be on drug cartels and it could be on people that are coming here illegally and paying fines."

Except that's not possible.

If they tax goods coming across the border, the ones paying the fine are the companies importing the goods, which means that in the end American consumers will end up paying for the wall. That should've been abundantly clear by now.

As per making the drug cartels pay for it, well, exactly HOW is that going to work? Is Trump going to tax the illegal sale of drugs? And who is going to pay for it? The drug cartels who get their money delivered to them in Mexico? How is Trump going to get his hands on that money?

As per raising money through a fine to undocumented immigrants, well, how is he going to get them to pay if he plans on deporting them? Right, like a deported immigrant is going to send money to the US from Mexico in order to pay for the wall.

Make no mistake; the one who is going to pay for that wall is YOU, the American taxpayer. There is NO WAY to get Mexico pay for it. And the wall is not going to stop neither illegal immigration nor drugs.

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