Saturday, January 28, 2017

Trump lied about banning countries where terrorists actually came from

In case you missed it, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah aired a piece on January 26 showing how Trump's immigration halt to reject potential terrorists from muslim countries is actually a lie.

You see, Trump tried to justify his muslim ban in an interview with ABC by mentioning the San Bernardino shooting and the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001. But The Daily Show showed Trump will NOT be banning immigrants from the countries where the actual San Bernardino and 911 terrorists came:

Now, to be clear; I do NOT support banning immigrants from ANY country nor for religious reasons. The San Bernardino shooting would've been prevented with gun control. And since 9-11 the security measures taken by both, Republican and Democratic governments have been enough to prevent a similar attack FOR OVER FIFTEEN YEARS.

In other words, there never was a need for a muslim ban like the racist measure Trump ordered. That racist measure is, like everything Trump does, just for spectacle. But as The Daily Show demonstrated, it doesn't ban immigrants from the countries where the actual terrorists he talks about came from.

By the way; Osama Bin Laden was originally from Saudi Arabia. Then he went to operate to Afghanistan. And then he went to hide to Pakistan. Look athe Daily Show map: all three of those countries are NOT in Trump's list. His muslim ban is simply irrelevant to actually fighting terrorism.

Oh, and by the way: this morning a lawyer for a group of refugees who were detained because Trump's refugee halt was order while they were flying to the United States, said he will file a lawsuit against the order and he wants to turn it into a class action lawsuit against Trump's refugee halt order.

Because it turns out Trump's ban didn't stop terrorists. It blocked the entry of an Iranian scientist who was supposed to be working in Boston, a Syrian refugee family headed to Ohio, and an Iraki translator who actually helped US forces in Irak.

And you know what? He might win, as Trump's order is based on religion. And the First Amendment of the Constitution prohibits such an action.

The full Daily Show piece can be seen here (jump to minute 4:07):

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