Friday, January 20, 2017

Trump's Bane speech

Right after being sworn in as president, Trump delivered an inaugural address that included the following line:

"Today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another — but we are transferring power from Washington, DC, and giving it back to you, the people."

A lot of people immediately noticed the last part of the speech was plagiarized from a speech delivered by Batman's archvillian Bane from the 2012 movie The Dark Knight Rises. This wis what Bane said the movie:

"We take Gotham from the corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity, and we give it back to you, the people."

Memes and videos of the plagiarism were posted on Twitter immediately, showing back to back shots from Trump and Bane delivering the line "and we give it back to you, the people."

And it wasn't just people on Twitter noticing. British newspaper The Guardian published an article about it (see: and so did many media outlets, pointing out to the plagiarism... of a Batman villian.

The next day, New York Times correspondent Maggie Haberman tweeted the following (see:

"WH official also finally concedes [Trump's speech] was written by [Steve] Bannon and Stephen Miller."

This is relevant not so much for the fact that Banon, one of Trump's top advisors, is the creator of Breitbart, the far-right website accused of bigotry and spreading fake news, but for the fact that on January 19, Trump tweeted a photo of himself sitting on a desk and claiming he was writing his own inaugural speech (see: The tweet claimed:

"Writing my inaugural address at the Winter White House, Mar-a-Lago, three weeks ago. Looking forward to Friday. #Inauguration"

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah noticed that in the photo Trump was using a sharpie to write on a new legal note pad, something nobody would do when writing a speech.

To make matters worse, according to an article published the The Washington Post on December 28, 2016, almost a month before Trump's inauguration, Trump had told several visitors to his Florida retreat that "he is writing the first draft on his inaugural speech and is looking to presidents Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy for inspiration" (see:

The article adds that Trump was working with Stephen Miller, his speechwriter, but "[Trump] confided that in recent days he has become more personally involved in the writing process."

Turned Trump lied. Twice. The writer of the speech was Steve Bannon. And he didn't seem inspired in Reagan and Kennedy, but in a Batman villain.

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