Thursday, January 26, 2017

Trump lies about Mexico's president cancelling meeting; Says they both agreed when it wasn't so

Donald Trump claimed in a speech in Phyladelphia that "the president of Mexico and myself have agreed to suspend" the meeting they were supposed to have on January 21.

In reality, it was the president of Mexico the one who suspended the meeting under pressure from the Mexican people after Trump signed the executive order to build the border wall and suggesting that if Mexico was not going to pay for the wall, then the meeting should be cancelled.

So the Mexican president cancelled. And he said so in a tweet:

TRANSALTION: "This morning we have informed the White House that I will not attend to the work meeting programmed for next Tuesday with POTUS."

But now Trump wants people to think that it was a mutual agreement. It wasn't. Mexico called Trump's bluff and Trump lost.

And now, American taxpayers will pay for Trump's border wall.

PS: By the way; Trump's speech sounded like a campaign speech, not like a president's speech. See why I say he's a fake president?

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