Wednesday, January 25, 2017

DAY 6: Trump says he will waste taxpayer dollars to investigate "voter fraud" that never happened

Even though Donald Trump's claim that millions of illegal immigrants voted for Hillary Clinton is false, and he never presented a shred of evidence supporting the claim, Trump announced on Twitter that he will be wasting taxpayer dollars on "investigating" his false claim:

This is not just a waste of taxpayer dollars into a lie that Trump repeated without providing evidence, but it is also a pretty big case of hypocrisy.

You see, when Green Party candidate Jill Stein requested a recount in Wisconsin, this is what Donald Trump tweeted:

In a statement, Trump also said:

"This is a scam by the Green Party for an election that has already been conceded, and the results of this election should be respected instead of being challenged and abused, which is exactly what Jill Stein is doing."

Trump's people also rejected the recount. Kellyanne Conway, for example, said the following on November 26, 2016:

“The people have spoken and the election is over, and as Hillary Clinton herself said on election night, in addition to her conceding by congratulating me, ‘We must accept this result and then look to the future.’


“This recount is just a way for Jill Stein, who received less than one percent of the vote overall and wasn’t even on the ballot in many states, to fill her coffers with money, most of which she will never even spend on this ridiculous recount. All three states were won by large numbers of voters, especially Pennsylvania, which was won by more than 70,000 votes.

“This is a scam by the Green Party for an election that has already been conceded, and the results of this election should be respected instead of being challenged and abused, which is exactly what Jill Stein is doing.”

So let me get this straight: When Jill Stein asked for a recount using private money fro and fiuledm donations from her followers, it was "a scam" and people should accept the result. But when Trump uses TAXPAYER MONEY for an investigation that has no basis whatsoever, then "we will strengthen up voting procedures."

Oh, by the way: Trump's legal team also wanted to stop the recount in Michigan and filed an objection in court. The actual objection filed by Trump's lawyers includes the following verbiage:

“Simply put, Michigan should not grant this lawless, insulting request, and its voters should not risk having the Electoral College door knocked off its hinges, all because a 1-percent candidate is dissatisfied with the election’s outcome.”

Trump lost the popular vote by 2.8 million votes. We already proved in this blog that in most states Hillary Clinton had fewer votes than Barack Obama in 2012, and she only goy more votes than Obama in 2012 in 17 states. And that if we were to subtract the "new" votes for Clinton in those states, and leave only the results from the 2012 elecion, Clinton still defeats Trump by over half a million votes.

What's even worse about this waste of taxpayer dollars Trump is pushing is the fact that, without realizing it, he is essentially admitting he lied when he said he lost the popular vote because of illegal immigrants voting, since he has no evidence and now he wants an investigation to see if he can find evidence to back his lie.

By the way: the federal government does not have the jurisdiction to intervene in the presidential elections, since they are conducted at state level by state authorities. If Trump tries to intervene in the organization of the electoral process, including voter rolls, he will be violating states' rights.

I would like to see, however, how is he going to explain the fact that the second largest increase in votes for Hillary Clinton (569,744 more votes than Obama in 2012) in the 17 states where she got more votes than Barack Obama was in TEXAS, which has a Republican government and one of the most strict voter ID laws in the country. Is Trump saying Republicans from Texas helped Hillary Clinton?

In the end what Trump is trying to do is to have an excuse to say "we're investigating" when the press ask him to prove his lie about illegal immigrants voting for Hillary Clinton. The truth is, this "voter fraud" lie has been debunked several times over the years. Here's, for example, John Oliver's piece on voter fraud showing how it simply does not exist:


PS: For more detailed numbers on the 2016 elections read my book HOW DONALD TRUMP WON, available on Kindle and Paperback here:

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