Thursday, January 26, 2017

DAY 7: Trump basically admits Mexico is not paying for the border wall

Donald Trump posted two tweets basically admitting Mexico will not pay for his border wall:

In the second tweet he threatens to cancel a meeting with Mexico's president that was originally set to take place on January 31 to talk about NAFTA. But in reality, it was Mexico's president the one who said the previous evening that, number one, Mexico would not pay for the wall, and number two, he would "evaluate" what steps to take after Trump's executive order for the wall.

UPDATE: A few hours after the Trump tweet, Mexico's president cancelled the visit.

In other words, it was Mexico's president the one who said he might not go to the meeting as a response to Trump's executive order. He beat Trump to it by almost half a day. And in the end it was the Mexican president the one who cancelled the meeting.

So the next morning Trump tweets that he's the one thinking about cancelling the meeting, when in reality that meeting was already in doubt.

He probably did this because in an interview aired recently, Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall one way or the other. In reality, Trump has no legal means to force Mexico to pay for his wall. Thus, is he builds it, the ones who will be paying it will be the American taxpayers.

So now Trump's image plan fell apart. Not only Mexico didn't fall for his bullying, but now Trump is on the hook for about $16 billion to $20 billion dollars in costs for the wall. Well, not him; the American taxpayer.

"Image plan? What do you mean by that?" you might ask. Well, I mean what's obvious: the wall is just for spectacle and to boost's Trump image, not for any real world practical purpose. It doesn't protect the border, and it doesn't prevent the entry of undocumented immigrants (they can enter with tourist visas by air, boat, driving, or just walking at designated crossing points). But Trump used the lie if a border wall solving border problems for his political campaign. It was a mere show, I repeat, with no practical purpose.

And now Trump is basically admitting Mexico won't pay for it, something Mexico said since last year. Which means Trump's wall is now a financial burden for the United States even though the majority of voters did not want Trump as president.

And by the way: In 2016 Americans were told numerous times this would happen if Trump were to be elected. Perhaps the best warning came from John Oliver, who did the following piece on the border wall in his show Last Week Tonight:

That's what happens when a liar is in the White House.

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