Monday, January 23, 2017

Once again Trump lies about illegal immigrants costing him the popular vote

At a meeting with congressional leaders, Donald Trump repeated the lie he tweeted after the elections, claiming that illegal immigrants voted for Hillary Clinton and that is the reason why he lost the popular vote. He also lied again about the attendance at his inaugural.

According to The New York Times, "the claim, which he has made before on Twitter, has been judged to be untrue by numerous fact-checkers. But the new president’s willingness to bring it up at Monday’s White House reception in the State Dining Room is an indication that he remains focused on his election even after assuming power."

Additionally, according to the NYT, Trump said:

“It was a huge crowd, a magnificent crowd. I haven’t seen such a crowd as big as this,” Mr. Hoyer told CNN, quoting Mr. Trump. He added that Mr. Trump didn’t “spend a lot of time on that, but it was clear that it was still on his mind.”

Just to be clear, the is no evidence at all that millions of illegal immigrants voted in the 2016 election. In fact, nationwide Hillary Clinton got nearly 79,000 fewer votes than Barack Obama in 2012. In most states Clinton got fewer votes than Obama. Clinton only got more votes than Obama in the following 17 states:

Arizona: 135,935 more votes
California: 899,503
Colorado: 15,769
D.C.: 15,760
Florida: 267,219
Georgia: 104,136
Illinois: 71,217
Maryland: 84
Massachusetts: 73,906
Nevada: 7,887
New Jersey: 23,177
New York: 61,821
North Carolina: 10,925
Oregon: 31,618
Texas: 569,744
Utah: 58,863
Virgina: 9,653

That adds to a grand total of 2,357,217 new votes in those states. So even if we were to subtract all of those new votes from the final tally, and use only the votes Obama got in 2012, Clinton would've still defeated Trump by 507,858 votes.

Thus, once again Trump's claim is proven to be a lie.

PS: For more detailed numbers on the 2016 elections read my book HOW DONALD TRUMP WON, available on Kindle and Paperback here:

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