Sunday, January 29, 2017

Trump misleads about christians being killed in the Middle East

In other 100% misleading tweet, Donald Trump tried to justify his racist and unconstitutional preference for christian refugees over muslim refugees from the Middle East:

Which is misleading because there are a lot more muslims being killed in the Middle East than christians.

According to The New York Times:

Part of the president’s order gives preferential treatment to Christians who try to enter the United States from majority-Muslim countries. In a Twitter post Sunday morning, Mr. Trump deplored the killings of Christians in the Middle East without noting the killings of Muslims, who have been killed in vastly greater numbers in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere.

What this means is Trump is trying to boost his approva ratings by pandering to the fascist right in America. The problem is, he won't be able to do it because the majority of Americans rejected Trump at the polls. He lost the popular vote. And many of the people who voted for him did so because they thought they thought would create jobs for them, ignoring his racist agenda just because of that.

By the way; people from 7 muslim countries can't even board a plane to the US in their countries of origin anymore. Which means even christians from those countries won't be able to get into the US. So that thing Trump said about Christians turned out to be false.

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