Thursday, October 12, 2017

DAY 264: Trump signs executive order allowing the sale of crappy insurance and withdraws from UNESCO

In what it looks like a desperate attempt at undermining Obamacare, Donald Trump signed an executive order today intended to allow the sale of crappy insurance policies that are cheaper, but cover very little and can cause actual insurance coverage's premiums to go up.

According to The New York Times, the executive order would allow employers to band together and buy limited insurance plans for workers, thus reducing cost for employers, but giving employees inadequate health coverage.

The plans, on top of that, would not be regulated by state laws, but by federal laws, making them even more dangerous for employees.

To make matters worse, the plans would entice healthy people in Republican states to buy them just to undermine Obamacare. The problem is, if fewer people sign up for Obamacare, premiums will go up. And if that happens, the Republicans will be the only ones to blame because they were the ones who did not put a stop to Trump's irresponsibility.

UPDATE: Mere hours after signing the executive order for crappy insurance, the Trump administration said it will not pay subsidies for the poorest Americans anymore, thus forcing insurance premiums to skyrocket. What's truly bizarre about this is the fact that premium increases cost the Democrats a lot of votes in 2016. Now Trump is basically making it easier for Republicans to lose the 2018 midterms.


For no valid reason, other than claiming UNESCO is anti-Israel, Donald Trump withdrew the United States from UNUESCO, the UN's cultural agency.

In other words, Trump doesn't want the US to be involved in culture. Shouldn't surprise anyone coming from an ignorant bigot.

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