Sunday, October 8, 2017

DAY 260: Trump conditions not deporting dreamers to building wall and turning away refugees

This is as despicable as it gets; the Trump White House is telling Congress that any deal to approve legislation to allow the Dreamers to stay in the US will be conditioned to Congress approving the construction of the border wall and to turning away children from Central America seeking refugee status because they are running away from gang violence.

According to The New York Times, that will the be only way Trump will agree to not deport the Dreamers.

Which is, of course, a downright racist stand. Trump ended DACA and told Congress to figure out a permanent solution. But not Trump is making sure there will never be a solution, since Congress will never vote to fund the border wall nor to turn away children seeking refugee status.

From the NYT:

Mr. Trump will also call in the document for a surge in resources to pay for immigration judges and lawyers and more detention space so that children arriving at the border can be held, processed and quickly returned if they do not qualify to stay longer.

Critics say the focus on deporting unaccompanied children is heartless and impractical. They say many of the children were sent by their parents on long, dangerous treks across Mexico in the hopes of avoiding poverty, hunger, abuse or death by gangs in their home countries.

So Trump is now using human lives as hostages to get his border wall. That's how nefarious the Trump administration is.

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