Friday, October 6, 2017

DAY 258: Trump's Defense Secretary just told the Taliban his Afghanistan plans

Remember how Donald Trump bitched and moaned during the campaign that there was no "element of surprise" in the US military strategies in the Middle East and elsewhere? Well guess what? Trump's Defense Secretary Jim Mattis just told the Taliban -and the rest of the world- his Afhganistan strategy.

You see, Mattis was asked by Congress to provide more details about his Afghanistan plans. Mattis told them, but the plans he told them had not yet been ordered to the military, meaning the Taliban now knows what Mattis has in mind. Thus ending the element of surprise.

From The New York Times:

Pressed by lawmakers, including Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona and the chairman of the Armed Services Committee, about the Pentagon’s failure to provide more details about the Afghanistan war plan, Mr. Mattis divulged new information about more aggressive rules of engagement there.

But the changes he described have yet to be issued as orders to troops in the field, according to American service members and officials in Afghanistan. With the new rules caught in bureaucratic limbo, Mr. Mattis effectively telegraphed the military’s plans to the Taliban before they could be put into action.

So either Mattis lied to Congress and told them something he's not going to do, or he told them publicly information that should´ve been classified.

Now let's see how Trump justifies HIM not using the "element of surprise."

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