Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Trump screws over chicken farmers; Now they can't sue against abusive corporations

Yesterday the Republicans in the Senate voted against allowing consumers the right to sue banks and financial companies over predatory practices. Today, the Trump administration did the same, but to chicken farmers.

Trump's Department of Agriculture revoked a rule set by the Obama administration that would've given chicken farmers the means to sue the big poultry corporations, such as Purdue, over unfair practices in their contract programs. In other words, Trump just screw over the same farmers he claimed he was going to defend.

According to The Hill:

The Trump administration is rescinding an Obama-era rule that would have made it easier for independent farmers to bring lawsuits against big food companies they raise chicken and other livestock for.

The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Grain Inspection Packers and Stockyard Administration last week withdrew an interim final rule a day before it was set to take effect. The rule aimed to make it easier for farmers to bring companies like Tyson Foods, Pilgrim Pride and Perdue to court over what they say are unfair, deceptive and retaliatory practices.

And guess what? The same chicken farmers that voted for Trump in 2016 are now saying they REGRET voting for Trump. Again from The Hill:

“Mad is not even the word for it,” he said. “Remember his campaign on taking care of the little man? The farmer is the little man. Is he taking care of the farmer by rescinding these rules? He’s going to say, ‘I didn’t rescind them.’ Well, you put in the position of secretary of Agriculture, so I’m going to have to put the blame on you.”

So as you can see, Trump lied yet another time. And this time, he screwed his own supporters.

PS: This issue sounds familiar, right? It should, because John Oliver did a piece on this very issue two years ago:

Obama gave the farmers a way to defend themselves against predatory corporations. Now, Trump has taken that defense away. With Trump big corporations win, farmerse lose.

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