Sunday, October 29, 2017

DAY 281: Trump throws a desperate tantrum over Russia-gate criminal charges

Donald Trump threw a desperate tantrum this morning over the news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller filed criminal charges over the Russia collusion in vestigation, ending up with a cry of "DO SOMETHING!"

Wait. If there's "anger and unity" among Republicans, why does Trump need to desperately scream "DO SOMETHING!"

What say you, author of the Harry Potter books?

By the way: According to Politico, Trump's lawyers scrambled to try to find out who is being charged as a result of the Mueller investigation.

Er... Didn't Trump say there was no collusion with Russia? So why are his lawyers scrambling to find out who is going to get charged?

Anyway, this lady on the bike should be enjoying this, methinks:

By the way: that thing Trump said the dossier being fake? Turns out he's lying about that too. Because according to Slate, much of the dossier was actually corroborated. In other words, it was true.

So Trump is crying like a baby because he's finally going to get caught. Should be interesting to see how many Republicans stick with him after this.

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