Tuesday, October 24, 2017

DAY 276: Two Republican Senators openly oppose Trump

Two Republican Senators are now openly opposing Donald Trump. First, Senator Bob Corker responded Trump's infantile attacks against him on Twitter, basically calling Trump a liar:

To which Trump responded with a tantrum and a lie:

FACT: The Foreign Relations Committee does NOT enact foreign policy. The White House does. Which means Trump thinks the US is, well, doing poorly on foreign relations.

Then, another Republican Senator, Jeff Blake, went after Trump on the floor of the Senate, speaking against Trump for 17 minutes. Here's some of what he said according to The New York Times:

“We must stop pretending that the degradation of our politics and the conduct of some in our executive branch are normal,” Mr. Flake said. “They are not normal. Reckless, outrageous and undignified behavior has become excused and countenanced as telling it like it is when it is actually just reckless, outrageous and undignified. And when such behavior emanates from the top of our government, it is something else. It is dangerous to a democracy.”

Now, before you applaud, keep in mind that after that both, Corker and Flake, voted in favor of a bill that will make it impossible for people to sue financial companies and financial predatos in class action lawsuits, something Trump actually wanted.

So in the end, both Senators ended uo doing Trump's bidding.

You see, opposing Trump is not about complaining about him being a big mouth. It's about opposing his harmful policies. A handful of Republicans did it with Trumpcare. But apparently they lost their balls afterwards. And now the complain about Trump on surface issues, but not on what really matters: the policies.

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