Friday, October 13, 2017

DAY 265: Trump messes up his own Iran policy

So today Donald Trump did some posturing insulting Iran just to say he would not certify the Iran deal that was reached during the Obama administration, thus tossing it to Congress so they decide if they terminate it or not.

The thing is, according to The New York Times, that's not what the White House wanted:

Mr. Trump, in declaring his intention not to certify Iran’s compliance with the deal, essentially kicked to Congress a decision about whether to reimpose sanctions on Iran and blow up the agreement. His aides, however, insisted that was not the goal, and that they instead wanted Congress to enact legislation defining what would incite the United States to reimpose sanctions.

So let me get this straight: Trump is forcing Congress to decide on whether or not to terminate the deal, but that's not what he wanted.

Then why did he do it?

Because he's an idiot. That's why.


Because that IS what he wanted but the decision was so stupid his aides are not scrambling to figure out how to justify it.

Which is another way to say because he's an idiot.

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