Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Trump admits he will profit from his tax plan

After Donald Trump claimed twice that he would not get any benefit from his tax plan proposal, which is clearly a lie, he finally admitted that he would benefit from it, but claiming that "everyone" would benefit. Which is also a lie.

According to CNBC:

"Last week you said twice, both on the South Lawn and in Indiana, that you won't personally benefit from this new tax reform. Do you still hold to that?" Forbes reporter Randall Lane asked.

"Well, what I say is, that the, this whole concept, everybody benefits if the country does well. We all do. You guys benefit. Everybody benefits if the country does well," Trump replied.

No, the country will NOT benefit from Trump's tax plan. Only the rich. The poor will get a tax increase and the middle class will see tax increases in the form of fewer deductions.

Yet another one of Trump's lies.

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