Saturday, October 7, 2017

DAY 259: Trump bitches and moans about not getting "equal time" on TV

Here two tweets from Donald Trump this morning asking late night comedians and TV for "equal time":

Oh yeah? Well, then Trump should explain this first:

1. During the 2016 campaigns, the media gave Trump nearly double the amount of free TV time --in millions of dollars worth-- than they gave to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders COMBINED. I'm not making this up. It was reported by The New York Times. Trump got way more TV time than the rest of the candidates. And he NEVER asked for "equal time."

2. Trump has NEVER asked for "equal time" for Democrats on Fox News, nor on any other conservative outlet.

3. Why should late night hosts be pro-Trump? What makes Trump think it's their obligation to please the president? What Trump is suggesting is a dictatorship, not a democracy.

4. Wait a minute. Didn't Trump say he didn't have time to watch TV? So why is he bitching and moaning about it? Well, because he's a liar.

"Equal time." He's the president! All of the media dedicates a lot of time to him already. What he really means is he wants to control what the media publishes. That's UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

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