Friday, August 25, 2017

Trump signs order banning trans people from the military and pardons Joe Arpaio

Here's more evidence of Donald Trump being alarmed about his poll numbers sinking. In a single day, and within hours, Trump signed an executive order banning transgender people from serving in the military, as well as shutting down funding for gender re-assignment treatment.

A few hour laters, Trump issued a presidential pardon for former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, known for his racist practices against immigrants.

Which is ridiculous, since Arpaio hasn't even been sentenced yet. This means Trump is literally meddling in the affairs of the judiciary.

Now, the ban on transgender people will probably end up in the Supreme Court, where it will probably be declared unconstitutional, since the Supreme Court has already declared gay marriage legal in the United States.

As per Arpaio, he was found guilty of of criminal contempt of court for ignoring a court ruling ordering him to stop detaining Latinos simply because of the suspicion of being in the country illegally. He had not been sentenced yet, but he could get up to six months in jail.

So now the court has to decide what to do with Trump's pardon, since there's no sentence yet. The court could say since there's no sentence yet, Trump's pardon is invalid and sentence Arpaio to jail. If that happens, the case would probably also end up in the Supreme Court.

Trump, of course, has no clue that he can't just issue a pardon before a punishment is even been issued. Not only it violates the due process, but it also interferes with the judiciary.

So why did Trump do this? Probably because he knows is approval among Republicans is sinking, and he thinks this will push his numbers back up. The only thing he's achieving, though, is underscore the racist and discriminatory nature of his administration.

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