Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Trump's Phoenix rally was a disaster: He lied, and hundreds left of lost interest

For all the talk in the media about it, Donald Trump's rally in Phoenix, Arizona, ended up being a disaster. First, Trump was caught lying, saying the cameras from the media were being shut down when in reality they were showing him saying that:

But then, as the Washington Post reported, hundreds of people who attended the rally ended up either leaving or not paying attention to Trump because they simply lost interest in what he was saying.

Hundreds left early, while others plopped down on the ground, scrolled through their social media feeds or started up a conversation with their neighbors. After waiting for hours in 107-degree heat to get into the rally hall — where their water bottles were confiscated by security — people were tired and dehydrated and the president just wasn't keeping their attention. Although Trump has long been the master of reading the mood of a room and quickly adjusting his message to satisfy as many of his fans as possible, his rage seemed to cloud his senses.

And those are his most ardent supporters. One has to imagine what regular people think.

PS: Trump once again repeated the lie that he has accomplished more than most presidents. The Washington Post debunked his lie by showing that Trump has not accomplished much. Here's just one example:

Frankly, this is rather thin gruel if you are going to compare yourself to Roosevelt or other notable presidents. So let’s go through the data.

There were 76 bills signed into law under Roosevelt in the first 100 days, compared with 28 (with a week to go) under Trump. “This is higher than any first-term 100 days since 1949 (55 bills signed), but less than all first terms from 1901-1949 except for 1909,” said John Frendreis, a political science professor at Loyola University in Chicago who co-wrote a well-regarded study of legislative output in the first 100 days from 1897 to 1995.

And of course, Trump has had no major legislation passed in Congress, including Trumpcare.

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