Saturday, August 19, 2017

GOP is concerned about Trump, AP says, but GOP sure isn't acting like it

Associated Press publishes today that many influential Republicans are voicing concerns about Donald Trump's remarks defending nazis after the Charlottesville violence.

Here's a quote from the AP article:

Behind the high-profile denunciations voiced this week by GOP senators once considered Trump allies, scores of other, influential Republicans began to express grave concerns about the state of the Trump presidency. In two dozen interviews with Associated Press reporters across nine states, Republican politicians, party officials, advisers and donors expressed worries about whether Trump has the self-discipline and capability to govern successfully.

Problem is, if the Republicans are really that concerned, they sure aren't acting like it.

Sure, the Republicans can issue statements, and tell the press they are concerned, and that they don't share Trump's point of view on nazis and counter-protesters, but that's really meaningless unless the Republicans actually do something about it.

What can the Republicans do? Only one thing: Impeach Donald Trump. By impeaching Trump they will be publicly and legally admitting they were wrong when they supported Trump just for the sake of partisan politics. That blatant disregard for sanity in the political process is what is making America fall deeper and deeper into chaos, politically, economically and in terms of foreign policy.

So instead of "voicing concern," Republicans should act on their alleged concern and do something about it. The LEAST they could do, is to block all of Donald Trump's insane legislative proposals. The RIGHT thing to do, is to remove Trump from office.

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