Wednesday, August 16, 2017

DAY 207: Trump disbands economic councils after claiming he didn't care if CEOs resigned

NOTE: We ere gone for 15 days because of different reasons, se we missed A LOT of crap in the Trump administration, including Trump's defense of nazis and of Robert E. Lee after the vicious, racist attack by the alt-right in Charlottesville, Virginia, against anti-fascist demostrators that cost the life of a young woman. It took Trump 48 hours to condemn the nazis after he said the violence was "on all sides", but then on Tuesday he insisted on the "all sides" message and he even defended the nazis, equated them with protesters against nazis, and not only defended Robert E. Lee, who was the main general of the Confederate army during the Civil War (thus a traitor) but he also equated him with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

Yes, that's how HORRIBLE Donald Trump is.

So as a result of Trump's stupid, racist comments after the events in Charlottesville, several of the CEOs in Trump's manufacturing counsil have resigned from it. And at first Trump claimed he didn't care. He tweeted this yesterday:

But 25 hours and some minutes later Trump tweeted this:

Oh? Didn't he said he had a lot of CEOs to replace those who resigned from his council? Obviously not.

It's fairly obvious what's going on here. Trump knows his poll numbers are the lowest ever for a modern president. He also knows only the racist alt-right will support him. And he thinks that if he offends the alt-right he will not win the 2020 election. So instead of doing what's best for the country as a whole, fighting racism and nazis, Trump is hanging to the scraps of a small group of racists who Trump thinks are his only chance at staying in office in 2020.

Are these racist groups significant enough to keep Trump in office in 2020? No. The vote margins in the three states that gave Trump the electoral college were so small, a left-leaning vote surge is all that's needed to defeat Trump. This means Trump is wasting his only chance at being a president instead of an anomaly in the history of the presidency of the US. He could simple admit he will not win in 2020 and do the right thing for America. But instead of doing that, Trump is still thinking in terms of campaigning for office.

That's why he will lose.

That is, if the leftists who voted for Jill Stein realize they can't divide the vote against Trump again.

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