Thursday, November 30, 2017

DAY 313: Theresa May complains again about Trump retweeting extreme right videos

Brittish Prime Minister Theresa May complained about Donald Trump retweeting extreme-right anti-muslim videos.

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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Trump calls the kettle black about Matt Lauer being fired for sexual misconduct

Donald Trump has been accused by several women of sexual harassment and attacks. He himself was taped saying the now infamous "grab them by the pussy" quote. And yet, he posted the following about the fact that NBC morning host Matt Lauer was fired because of an accusation of sexual misconduct:

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DAY 312: Trump retweets racist, anti-muslim videos from far-right Brittish politician

Donald Trump retweeted this morning a series of videos posted by a far-right Britiish politician named Jayda Fransen. According to The New York Times, Fransen "has previously been charged in the United Kingdom with “religious aggravated harassment.”"

David Lammy, a member of the Brittish Parliament for the Labour Party tweeted about Trump's actions:

“The President of the United States is promoting a fascist, racist, extremist hate group whose leaders have been arrested and convicted. He is no ally or friend of ours.”

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

DAY 311: Trump lies about Democrats wanting to raise taxes

Donald Trump tweeted this today referring to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and a possible government shutdown:

The claim is false. The Democrats are not proposing a tax increase or to accept illegal immigrants. What the Democrats are OPPOSING is this:

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Monday, November 27, 2017

DAY 310: Trump uses a racial slur in front of Native Americans

Donald Trump has been using the name "Pocahontas" as a derogatory term against Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, thus turning the name into a racial slur. Well, today Trump used the racial slur in front of Native Americans who translated code in World War II:

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Sunday, November 26, 2017

DAY 309: Trump keeps on supporting Roy Moore and even lies to do it

This morning Donald Trump posted two tweets supporting Roy Moore, who is accused of being a child molester:

The second tweet shows the level of desperation Trump has. Notice:

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Saturday, November 25, 2017

DAY 308: Trump claims the Howllywood Access tape was fake after he admitted it was real

Since the Hollywood Access tape showing Donald Trump saying the "grab them by the pussy" line Trump not only has admitted it is his voice and even apologized to his wife for it, but he has also claimed numerous times that it was "locker room talk" as a way to justify himself.

But now, Trump is claiming privately that the Hollywood Access tape was fake.

According to The New York Times:

But something deeper has been consuming Mr. Trump. He sees the calls for Mr. Moore to step aside as a version of the response to the now-famous “Access Hollywood” tape, in which he boasted about grabbing women’s genitalia, and the flood of groping accusations against him that followed soon after. He suggested to a senator earlier this year that it was not authentic, and repeated that claim to an adviser more recently. (In the hours after it was revealed in October 2016, Mr. Trump acknowledged that the voice was his, and he apologized.)

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Friday, November 24, 2017

DAY 307: Trump lies about being considered for TIME magazine's Person of the Year

Donald Trump claimed in a tweet that TIME magazine told him he was being considered for Person of the Year for 2017, but he declined:

First of all, TIME magazine never called Trump about being Person of the Year. And they said it in a tweet:

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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Day 306: Trump replies to tweet accusing him of racism with "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" tweet

So Donald Trump tweeted this today:

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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

DAY 305: China would've released jailed basktball players even without Trump

Donald Trump has been bitching and moaning about not getting a "thank you" from one of the parents of the American basketball players who were jailed in China for shoplifting. But according to The New York Times, China would've released the basketball players even if Trump would've done anything. Why? Because foreigners who commit small crimes in China are deported rather than jailed:

experts say the players for the U.C.L.A. team, who were accused of stealing sunglasses from a Louis Vuitton store in Hangzhou, China, probably would have been released even if Mr. Trump had not raised the case with President Xi Jinping during a visit this month to Beijing.

Shoplifting is considered a relatively minor crime in China, and foreigners convicted of minor crimes are often deported rather than given prison sentences.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

DAY 304: Trump defends Roy Moore because, Trump says, "he totally denies it"

Donald Trump defendede today Roy Moore when questioned by the media about the accusations of child molestation. Trump's defense was simple "he totally denies it."

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Monday, November 20, 2017

DAY 303: H.R. McMaster called Trump an idiot

According to Buzzfeed, five different sources have confirmed that Donald Trump's national security adviser H.R. McMaster mocked Trump's intelligence, including calling Trump and idiot.

National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster mocked President Trump’s intelligence at a private dinner with a powerful tech CEO, according to five sources with knowledge of the conversation.

Over a July dinner with Oracle CEO Safra Catz — who has been mentioned as a candidate for several potential administration jobs — McMaster bluntly trashed his boss, said the sources, four of whom told BuzzFeed News they heard about the exchange directly from Catz. The top national security official dismissed the president variously as an “idiot” and a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” the sources said.

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Sunday, November 19, 2017

DAY 302: Trump throws a tantrum over his failed attempt at getting undeserved praise

So the story goes like this: Three African American basketball players were caught stealing sunglasses in China and they were thrown in jail. Donald Trump, thinking he was going to become a hero, apparently asked Chinese president Xi Jinping to release them. And the basktball players were released.

But Trump's publicity stunt backfired, as nobody thought he was a hero. As a result, he threw a tantrum on Twitter:

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Saturday, November 18, 2017

DAY 301: Trump is still obessed with Hillary Clinton

It has been over a year since Donald Trump "won" the electoral college but lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. And he's still obsessed with Hillary Clinton, as this tweet shows:

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Friday, November 17, 2017

DAY 300: Jared Kushner lied to Congress about WikiLeaks

According to NBC, Jared Kushner told the congressional intelligence committees he was not familiar with any attempts by WikiLeaks to contact the Trump Campaign. But a source familiar to Kushner said Trump's son in-law received an email by Donald Trump Jr. about the conversations he had with WikiLeaks favoring Trump:

One source familiar with Kushner's testimony before congressional intelligence committees said he specifically denied, under oath, that he was familiar with any attempts by WikiLeaks to contact the campaign. But, according to the source, Kushner was sent an email by Trump Jr. about his conversations on Twitter with WikiLeaks, which were first disclosed by the Atlantic this week. Kushner forwarded an email about the WikiLeaks conversations to communications director Hope Hicks, the source said. A second source familiar with Kushner's testimony did not dispute that account.

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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Keystone pipeline spills hudreds of thousands of gallons of oil; Trump approved it

Four days after taking office, Donald Trump issued a memorandum granting permission for the construction of the Keystone pipeline.

On March 24, Trump signed the executive order granting permission for the construction of the Keystone pipeline:

Today the Keystone pipeline spilled 210,000 gallons of oil into South Dakota.

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DAY 299: Trump tweets against Al Franken, but he has been accused of the same behavior

After a woman accused Al Franken of sexual misconduct, Donald Trump tweeted this:

Al Franken's behavior is not excusable, but Trump has no moral authority to throw stones. Remember the "grab them by the pussy" video?

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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

DAY 298: Legislators indtroduce articles of impeachment against Trump

Not even a year has passed since Donald Trump took office and now Representative Steve Cohen has introduced five articles of impeachment against Trump:

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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

DAY 297: Jeff Sessions confirms Trump wants a "whatabout" investigation on Hillary Clinton

Jeff Sessions testified before Congress for the second time about why he lied about his knowledge of the Trump campaign being in contact with Russian officials. Sessions, of course, claimed he did not "remember" the fact that he talked to Carter Page about his trip to Russia.

But then Sessions and the Republicans tried to change the subject to a non-issue. Sessions confirmed during his testimony what was revealed the previous day: that he had asked the Justice Department if a Special Counsel could be appointed to investigate Hillary Clinton because of the permission the Obama administration gave for the 2010 purchase of a uranium mining company by a Canadian company that was bought by Russia.

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Monday, November 13, 2017

DAY 296: Donald Trump Jr. was in contact with WikiLeaks during the 2016 campaign

The Atlantic magazine revealed today Donald Trump Jr. exchanged direct messages with WikiLeaks via Twitter. The messages were initiated by WikiLeaks and contained information intended to help the Trump campaign. From the Atlantic article:

Just before the stroke of midnight on September 20, 2016, at the height of last year’s presidential election, the Wikileaks Twitter account sent a private direct message to Donald Trump Jr., the Republican nominee’s oldest son and campaign surrogate. “A PAC run anti-Trump site is about to launch,” Wikileaks wrote. “The PAC is a recycled pro-Iraq war PAC. We have guessed the password. It is ‘putintrump.’ See ‘About’ for who is behind it. Any comments?” (The site, which has since become a joint project with Mother Jones, was founded by Rob Glaser, a tech entrepreneur, and was funded by Progress for USA Political Action Committee.)

The next morning, about 12 hours later, Trump Jr. responded to Wikileaks. “Off the record I don’t know who that is, but I’ll ask around,” he wrote on September 21, 2016. “Thanks.”

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Sunday, November 12, 2017

DAY 295: Believe it or not, Trump didn't say anything stupid today

So yesteday Donald Trump delivered a statement today trying to waffle about him saying Putin didn't meddle in the 2016 election. It ended up being a word salad basically saying he does believe Putin but he has no choice but to sorta-kinda-maybe "backing" the US intelligence agencies that have categorically stated Putin DID meddle in the elecion:

But today, Trump had the good taste of not saying anything. At least that we know of.

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Saturday, November 11, 2017

DAY 294: The CIA pretty much calls Trump a liar after Trump, once again, defended Putin

The CIA released a statement today pretty much calling Donald Trump a liar. Trump repeated this defense of Vladimir Putin, claiming Putin didn't meddle in the 2016 election. According The Hill Trump said:

“He said he didn't meddle. He said he didn't meddle. I asked him again. You can only ask so many times,” Trump told reporters Saturday.

“But I just asked him again, and he said he absolutely did not meddle in our election," he continued. "He did not do what they're saying he did.”

The problem is, the CIA released a declassified report stating Putin did meddle in the 2016 election. As a result, the CIA released a statement contradicting Trump that says:

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Friday, November 10, 2017

DAY 293: Papadapoulos was in contact with Stephen Miller

Once again the claim by the Trump administration that George Papadopoulos was a low level nobody within the Trump campaign is proven a lie. According to The New York Times, Papadopoulos was in contact with Stephen Miller, who still is a top-level official with Trump:

Mr. Mueller’s investigators are seeking to determine who — if anyone — in the Trump campaign Mr. Papadopoulos told about the stolen emails. Although there is no evidence that Mr. Papadopoulos emailed that information to the campaign, Mr. Papadopoulos was in regular contact that spring with top campaign officials, including Stephen Miller, now a senior adviser to President Trump, according to interviews and campaign documents reviewed by The New York Times.

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Thursday, November 9, 2017

DAY 292: Trump endorsed Roy Moore, who is now being accused of chilid molesting

On September 27, 2017, Donald Trump endorsed Roy Moore, the Republican candidate for an Alabama Senate seat.

Today, the Washington Post published an article showing Moore is being accused of initiating a sexual encounter with a 14 year old girl when he was 32.

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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

DAY 291: Papadopoulos presented himself to UK as representative of Trump campaign

Donald Trump and the White House have tried to characteize George Papadopoulos as a low level, unpaid volunteer who had very little to do with the Trump campaign. Photos and comments by Donald Trump himself show that's a lie by the Trump camp. But now UK officials are revealing Papadopoulos presented himself to the UK government as a representative of the Trump campaign.

According to BBC:

"As you would expect in the run up to an election we seek to build links with figures in both the Democratic and Republican presidential campaigns," a Foreign and Commonwealth Office spokeswoman told the BBC, confirming the meeting. "This type of outreach is normal diplomatic business."

While such meetings may be routine diplomacy, the fact that Papadopoulos was presenting himself to the government of one of the US's closest allies as a representative of the Trump campaign undercuts the White House's recent assertion that Papadopoulos was a campaign volunteer of little importance.

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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Trump asked for extreme vetting after New York, but not after Texas... and then he lied

So this morning a reporter asked Donald Trump during his trip to South Korea if he would call for extreme vetting on guns after the mass shooting in Texas since he called for extreme vetting on immigrants after the terrorist incident last week in New York.

Trump tried to weasel his way out of responding but finally said he said a lie to get out of responding: that Chicago has the strongest gun laws in the nation and even so it's a "disaster." He also suggested that tougher gun laws could've made the massacre worse.

This is why that claim is a lie:

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DAY 290: TRUMP LOSES: Democrats win Virginia governor race despite Trump's attacks

Democratic candidate Ralph S. Northam won the race for governor of Viriginia, defeating Republican Ed Gillespie. Northam had called for voters to reject Donald Trump. The Virgina race was seen as a referendum on Trump.

Trump, by the way, tweeted three times today attacking Northam and promoting Gillespie. But the voters indeed rejected Trump.

Guess what Trump did after Gillespie lost? He blamed it on Gillespie for not embracing Trump.

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Monday, November 6, 2017

DAY 289: Donald Trump Jr did suggest to favor Russia when he asked lawyer for Clinton dirt

According to Bloomberg, Russian lawyer Natalia Vaselnitskaya revealed Donald Trump Jr. did suggest that the US policy towards Russia could change if Trump was elected president during the meeting he had with her to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. But he asked for the dirt on Clinton to be delivered in writing.

A Russian lawyer who met with President Donald Trump’s oldest son last year says he indicated that a law targeting Russia could be re-examined if his father won the election and asked her for written evidence that illegal proceeds went to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

The lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, said in a two-and-a-half-hour interview in Moscow that she would tell these and other things to the Senate Judiciary Committee on condition that her answers be made public, something it hasn’t agreed to. She has received scores of questions from the committee, which is investigating possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. Veselnitskaya said she’s also ready -- if asked -- to testify to Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

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Sunday, November 5, 2017

DAY 288: 63% of Americans say Trump has achieved little: ABC poll

A new poll by ABC shows that 65% of Americans think Donald Trump has achieved very little since he was elected, an increase from 56% in April.

55% say Trump is not delivering on his campaign promises. The number is up from 41% in April.

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Saturday, November 4, 2017

DAY 287: Trump's aide Carter Page met with Russian official en July of 2016

Donald Trump has denied that anyone in his campaign had contacts with Russian officials. But his campaign aide Carter Page met with a Russian official in July of 2016.

According to The New York Times:

Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump presidential campaign, met Russian government officials during a July 2016 trip he took to Moscow, according to testimony he gave on Thursday to the House Intelligence Committee.

Shortly after the trip, Mr. Page sent an email to at least one Trump campaign aide describing insights he had after conversations with government officials, legislators and business executives during his time in Moscow, according to one person familiar with the contents of the message. The email was read aloud during the closed-door testimony.

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Friday, November 3, 2017

DAY 286: Trump lies about Papadopoulos

So this morning Donald Trump said to CBS that he doesn't remember much about the meeting he had with George Papadapoulos. Problem is, as Kyle Griffin pointed out, Trump claimed back just a few days prior that he has a great memory:

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Thursday, November 2, 2017

DAY 285: Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions knew about Papadopoulos's links to Russia

Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions knew about George Papadopoulos discussions with Russians to interfere in the US election in favor of Trump.

According to The New York Times:

Records in that case show that George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser, had frequent discussions with Russians in 2016 and trumpeted his connections in front of Mr. Trump and Mr. Sessions.


At a March 31, 2016, meeting between Mr. Trump and his foreign policy team, Mr. Papadopoulos introduced himself and said “that he had connections that could help arrange a meeting between then-candidate Trump and President Putin,” according to court records.

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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

DAY 284: Trump lies about immigration to cover his incompetence with national security

After the terrorist attack in New York, Donald Trump blamed it on Chuck Schummer and the visa lottery. Obviously Trump was trying to pivot from the fact that Trump's incompetence with national security is the real reason for the attack.

But as always, Trump was lying. Schummer was in favor or eliminating the visa lottery. And Senator Jeff Blake made it public:

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