Wednesday, November 22, 2017

DAY 305: China would've released jailed basktball players even without Trump

Donald Trump has been bitching and moaning about not getting a "thank you" from one of the parents of the American basketball players who were jailed in China for shoplifting. But according to The New York Times, China would've released the basketball players even if Trump would've done anything. Why? Because foreigners who commit small crimes in China are deported rather than jailed:

experts say the players for the U.C.L.A. team, who were accused of stealing sunglasses from a Louis Vuitton store in Hangzhou, China, probably would have been released even if Mr. Trump had not raised the case with President Xi Jinping during a visit this month to Beijing.

Shoplifting is considered a relatively minor crime in China, and foreigners convicted of minor crimes are often deported rather than given prison sentences.

By the way: The NYT also makes a very important point. Why hasn't Trump asked for the release of political activists jailed in China if is leverage with Xi Jinping is that big?

Because it isn't. Trump is throwing this tantrum just to be a racist against Black basketball players and to make people think he can just tell Xi Jinping to do things for him.

Most likely Xi Jingping knew the shoplifting was a minor thing that would've ended up in deportation and played Trump to making him think he was getting a big favor.

Which proves that Trump not only is a racist, but also an idiot.

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