Friday, November 17, 2017

DAY 300: Jared Kushner lied to Congress about WikiLeaks

According to NBC, Jared Kushner told the congressional intelligence committees he was not familiar with any attempts by WikiLeaks to contact the Trump Campaign. But a source familiar to Kushner said Trump's son in-law received an email by Donald Trump Jr. about the conversations he had with WikiLeaks favoring Trump:

One source familiar with Kushner's testimony before congressional intelligence committees said he specifically denied, under oath, that he was familiar with any attempts by WikiLeaks to contact the campaign. But, according to the source, Kushner was sent an email by Trump Jr. about his conversations on Twitter with WikiLeaks, which were first disclosed by the Atlantic this week. Kushner forwarded an email about the WikiLeaks conversations to communications director Hope Hicks, the source said. A second source familiar with Kushner's testimony did not dispute that account.

Makes one wonder: what else has Kushner lied about? And what is Robert Mueller going to do about it?

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