Tuesday, November 7, 2017

DAY 290: TRUMP LOSES: Democrats win Virginia governor race despite Trump's attacks

Democratic candidate Ralph S. Northam won the race for governor of Viriginia, defeating Republican Ed Gillespie. Northam had called for voters to reject Donald Trump. The Virgina race was seen as a referendum on Trump.

Trump, by the way, tweeted three times today attacking Northam and promoting Gillespie. But the voters indeed rejected Trump.

Guess what Trump did after Gillespie lost? He blamed it on Gillespie for not embracing Trump.

So if Trump's candidat loses it's not Trump's fault. If Republican candidates win, it's his doing. Literally, Trump said exactly that in the same tweet.

The truth is Republicans win house seats because of Gerrymandering. Trump has nothing to do with it. But a governor's race IS more directly tied to Trump. And the people of Virginia were very clear: They don't want Trump.

As per Trump's claim that Gillespie didn't embrace him, then why did Trump tweet this TODAY?

Oh. So Trump promoted a candidate who didn't embrace Trump? I call bullshit on that.

Trump lost. Period. And he will continue to lose because that's what Trump is: a loser.

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