Friday, December 8, 2017

DAY 321: Donald Trump endorses again accused pedophile Roy Moore for political gain

Donald Trump endorsed once again accused pedophile Roy Moore for the Alabama special election for US Senate. And this time Trump outright admitted he's doing it for political gain:

Which means Trump doesn't care if a pedophile gets to be a Senator as long as he gains politically from it.

That's how weak is Trump. If Moore loses the Alabama election only one Republican needs to oppose Trump's agenda and Trump will not be able to pass any legislation for he rest of the year. And since the Democrats are expected to win the majority in the Senate and in the House of Representatives, this means Trump will not be able to pass any legislation at all for the rest of his administration.

So instead of doing the right thing and admit he made a whole bunch of bullshit promises during his campaign, Trump endorses an accused pedophile.

By the way; that thing about Jones being "weak" on crime. Is also bullshit. jones successfully prosecuted KKK members for the Birmingham church bombing that killed four black girls. Moore, on the other hand, molested underage girls.

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